“At APL, there is room for all types of personalities.”

Christina Erixon, Formulation Developer

Four quick facts about Christina:

Works with at APL
Formulation developer, and responsible for skills development within the development section.

Pharmacist and doctorate within Galenical pharmacology.

Favourite music
I attended a specialist music school, and have developed into broad musical tastes.

Favourite destination
Åre! I have had a cottage there since 1982, and go there as often as I can.

medarbetare på labbet

Hello Christina! Why did you choose the pharmaceutical sector?
My training of course, and an interest in chemistry, mathematics and physics. And because it is such fun to really enter into a subject. What we do is very concrete, 
because it really results in a physical product.

What is an average working day for you?
There are probably no average working days here. I coordinate an incredible number of projects, and then I work with the whole process, from customer to patient, reports and products. Another day I may be in the lab, and a third day consists of planning. The work varies a lot between theoretical and practical, and the focus is always on meeting customer needs.

What is the most challenging feature of your job?
When we have frameworks that limit our flexibility. When we are not allowed to change a particular composition. We must also comply with the regulations issued by the Medical Products Agency, the FDA and EMEA. The challenge is to produce good products, despite limits set by customers and public authorities, and the budgetary frameworks of all those involved.

What is the best feature of working at APL?
It is the breadth and the variation of everything we do. All who work here are so dedicated and committed to finding good solutions. We laugh a lot, there is no prestige, and we work towards the same goals.

What type of person do you think would enjoy working at APL?
Oh, there are so many different things to do that there is probably room for everyone. You don’t have to have any particular personality; I rather think most types fit in here.

Where is APL going, and how do you feel you are influencing this?
I think we are on the way to becoming a single APL, with a clear direction. For my own part, I can just try to be a good example; to include, to share, and to help others start improvement work and workshops.

Do you have any tips for newly graduated persons?
Concentrate on your curiosity, and let it guide you! Don’t be afraid to take on a job that doesn’t look like your dream job at first glance. All experiences give you something to build on.

What would you like to say to someone who is thinking about applying to APL?
Come and work here! Through our societal mandate, we save lives by doing things that nobody else in the industry wants to do. We develop entirely new products together with new actors, and we collaborate with physicians who are conducting studies for new indications. We really have the future ahead of us.


Extemporeläkemedel och lagerberedningar

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Telefon: 010-447 97 00
e-post: kundservice@apl.se


Ordinarie öppettider:
Helgfria vardagar 08:00-17:00.


Öppettider sommar:
Helgfria vardagar 08:00-16:00.

Gäller 24 juni-16 augusti 2024.



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Visiting adress:

Prismavägen 2, Kungens Kurva

+46 10 447 96 00

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About APL

Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier (APL) is one of Europe’s leading companies manufacturing extemporaneous drugs and stock preparations. We have a public policy assignment from the Swedish government, but also work together with other pharmaceutical companies to create the greatest possible patient benefit. The assignment also comprises preparedness to maintain operations in times of crisis and ultimately war.

Our vision is that we will make a difference for patients with additional needs. We are also an established contract manufacturer within life science in Scandinavia, where we deliver services within development and analysis. With more than 500 employees and five manufacturing units in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm and Umeå, we develop drugs that improve and save lives.

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