“We sometimes almost have to rein ourselves in.”

Terese Schumann-Lindberg, Department Manager QC

Four quick facts about Terese:

Works with at APL
Department manager of QC (Quality Control) and site manager for the unit in Malmö.

Biomedical analyst with focus on microbiology.

Favourite music
Lots of 80s music. Love letting go to ABBA.

Favourite destination
Anywhere with sun, swimming and heat!


Hello Terese! How long have you worked for APL?
For 20 years. I finished my degree one Friday, and started here the following Monday.

Why did you choose the pharmaceutical sector?
I really wanted to become a marine biologist, but couldn’t as I have to hold my nose when diving. It was pure chance that I ended up with pharmaceuticals. I have always been very interested in microbiology, and that was the reason I started with APL.

What is an average working day for you?
Haha, how could I possibly answer that? Today, for example, I have met with architects to discuss our redevelopment, and I have had another meeting with those who work on this internally. I have also had a meeting with both QC and the Finance Department. No day is like another, and that is what makes it such fun!

What is the most challenging feature of your job?
We have to cover such an incredible amount. While other pharmaceutical companies perhaps have 5 products, we have 350 to keep track of. The complexity is tangible with so many different articles and raw materials.

What do your enjoy about APL?
All my colleagues and the development opportunities in particular. We are driven by constant changes, and everybody wants to develop. We sometimes almost have to rein ourselves in. I have actually never had a boring day at work, in 20 years! This might sound totally mad, but I actually have a smile on my face every morning as I drive in through the gates.

What type of person do you think would enjoy working at APL?
Interesting question... it is of course a good think if you are happy, ambitious and solution-oriented. Different roles require different profiles. APL needs both people with doctoral degrees and people with foundation education. People with long experience and people who are newly qualified, people who are pragmatic and people who are good with detail. There is something for everybody here at APL.

How do you get rewarded when you do something well?
I think we all enjoy that feeling you get when you have done something really well. If you have fought as a group to reach a goal, then we try to make sure we celebrate the success together.

In everyday life, this might be in the form of small rewards, such as Easter eggs, cream cakes or cinnamon buns, which are usually appreciated.

Do you have any tips for newly graduated persons?
Spontaneous applications are really good. Do make personal contact! I have a recent example of this. A girl phoned from Copenhagen, looking for an internship here at APL, which was difficult to arrange between Denmark and Sweden. But someone handed in their notice, and now she is an employee!


Extemporeläkemedel och lagerberedningar

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Telefon: 010-447 97 00
e-post: kundservice@apl.se


Ordinarie öppettider:
Helgfria vardagar 08:00-17:00.


Öppettider sommar:
Helgfria vardagar 08:00-16:00.

Gäller 24 juni-16 augusti 2024.



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Visiting adress:

Prismavägen 2, Kungens Kurva

+46 10 447 96 00

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About APL

Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier (APL) is one of Europe’s leading companies manufacturing extemporaneous drugs and stock preparations. We have a public policy assignment from the Swedish government, but also work together with other pharmaceutical companies to create the greatest possible patient benefit. The assignment also comprises preparedness to maintain operations in times of crisis and ultimately war.

Our vision is that we will make a difference for patients with additional needs. We are also an established contract manufacturer within life science in Scandinavia, where we deliver services within development and analysis. With more than 500 employees and five manufacturing units in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm and Umeå, we develop drugs that improve and save lives.

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