We save lives!

APL is one of Europe's largest manufacturers of extemporaneous medicines and a leading contract manufacturer within Life Science. 

For those who work in

Healthcare and pharmacy

in Swedish

For those who work in

Life Science

Our role in the society

APL (Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier AB) is a state-owned company with a public policy assignment to develop, manufacture and supply unlicensed sterile and non-sterile pharmacy compounding for patients with special needs, both as individually tailored extemporaneous medicines as well as batch manufactured stock preparations. The purpose is for patients with special needs, who are unable to use the medicines available on the market, to be able to access the right treatment. This is done in close collaboration with specialists, prescribers and authorities. The assignment also comprises preparedness to maintain operations in times of crisis and ultimately war.

We also offer contract services (CDMO) within the Life Science industry and are an established supplier for development, commercial manufacturing and analyses.


APL wants to contribute to better health, a good environment, sound economics and a sustainable society. Our employees and other stakeholders are our most important resources. We work with a long-term view to ensure our manufactured products are of good quality, as this is a prerequisite for safe and effective medicines.

Patient safety

APL develops and manufactures extemporaneous preparations and stock manufacturing for actors in the pharmacy market and healthcare services, for better medicine use and increased patient safety. We also offer high quality development, laboratory and manufacturing services to companies in the pharmaceutical sector.

When a life is at stake every minute counts

View an intensive and carefully controlled process in sterile manufacturing at APL.

Our experience contributes to important international research

Through our social mandate, APL has built up a very strong ability to adapt medicines to individual needs, and this in turn has made us attractive to the research sector.

Två kvinnor som jobbar på APL.

Do you want to work with us?

We need more skilled, solution-oriented and responsible employees, and we can offer you good development opportunities in an exciting industry.

See our vacant positions


Extemporeläkemedel och lagerberedningar

Beställ online via EbEx


Telefon: 010-447 97 00
e-post: kundservice@apl.se


Ordinarie öppettider:
Helgfria vardagar 08:00-17:00.


Öppettider sommar:
Helgfria vardagar 08:00-16:00.

Gäller 24 juni-16 augusti 2024.



Reservrutinen används endast för akuta medicinskt viktiga beställningar av extemporeläkemedel under tiden EbEx ordersystem inte kan nås. För att kunna använda dig av rutinen så krävs det att du redan är befintlig kund hos APL och har ett kundnummer.

Beställningar görs på för ändamålet avsedd blankett och får inte innehålla några patientuppgifter.

Beställningen skickas via e-post till kundservice@apl.se.



Visiting adress:

Prismavägen 2, Kungens Kurva

+46 10 447 96 00

Other contact information

About APL

Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier (APL) is one of Europe’s leading companies manufacturing extemporaneous drugs and stock preparations. We have a public policy assignment from the Swedish government, but also work together with other pharmaceutical companies to create the greatest possible patient benefit. The assignment also comprises preparedness to maintain operations in times of crisis and ultimately war.

Our vision is that we will make a difference for patients with special needs. We are also an established contract manufacturer within Life Science in Scandinavia, where we deliver services within development and analysis. With more than 500 employees and five manufacturing units in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm and Umeå, we develop drugs that improve and save lives.

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